Tuesday, 30 May 2017

Canon Printer Error 306 in Mac Computer


When you attempt to print from your Canon Printer using a Mac, a message appears stating Error 306.


  1. Click the Apple icon in the top left of the screen.
  2. Click System Preferences.
  3. Click Print & Fax.
  4. If the padlock in the bottom left is locked:
    Click it, enter your password and click OK.
  5. Click the – button. to remove the printer and the + to add it again leaving the options on default..
  6. if you are facing more problems Call Canon Support  +1-855-517-2433.

1 comment:

  1. Error code 306 looks very popular. It seems a lot of folks have it. I do. My printer MG5150 is linked via USB to my Orange Livebox 2. When I remote print from my Macbook Pro (OS 10.6.x and an old driver 10.x.x) over the box, it prints ok. When I want to remote print from my Macbook Air (OS 10.8.5 and the latest driver over the same box, I get error 306 100% of the time. According to Canon customer support here in Europe, it has to do with the box to computer conversation, but that does not help me !
    Any solution ?


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